Friday, February 02, 2007

The hospital, our new home

Well, this isn't how I planned this week. This week we were going to delve into history and study Samuel de Champlain and the settlement on St. Croix Island in 1602. We have the interpretive trunk from the dept of education with 30 different items including a beaver pelt, a moccasin, a wooden shoe boot and cd's teaching the kids how to speak an Indian language.
However, that isn't happening!! I am sitting in the hospital with a very sick Justin.

We were admitted yesterday after I couldn't get him to wake up and the only liquids going into his little body were what I was forcing in. My doctor let me bring him right into the office, diagnosed him with pneumonia, with possible RSV, and then sent him right to the hospital for admitting. I'm so thankful for a few good friends who are willing to take on a bunch of kids with no notice, just we are on the way!!

This has been a good time to do a little Bible study and do some reading. Last night I didn't have my own Bible yet and went to pull out the trusty Gideon Bible only to find out it was in french! I don't read or speak french. How wonderful when Dave brought in my bag with my own Bible in it!

Justin is on oxygen, IV with antibiotics and the occasional Tylenol and is starting to respond well. His temp is hovering around normal. His fluids are better, tho' he isn't drinking much and because he is getting enough oxygen he is somewhat more alert. My active little guy doesn't even want to sit up. He did play with a truck for about a minute today. I'm so glad this is temporary. Some moms would love to have their kids as healthy as my baby. We will be in at least another day, maybe more. They would like to see him more alert and active and breathing well without the oxygen. He is still struggling to get a good breath even with the oxygen.
He is so cute and so... pathetic(?) that everyone is falling in love with him.

I just took a look at my last post. I was leaving to check Justin. That was when I saw the very labored breathing and high temp, sweats and couldn't wake him up. How the mood of the house changed in a very, very short time!!

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