Yesterday morning started "officially" with the alarm clock going off and Justin throwing up all over my bed and pillow. I had just thought the night before that my laundry was all caught up, folded put away and there wouldn't even be enough to fill a load yesterday. That idea was soon squashed. Amazingly, I couldn't find the time in the morning to change those sheets and my room was getting really stinky.... so were the babies. Justin was changed and then I tossed Jack up on the bottom of my bed that was still clean and out squished.. you know.. from Jack's diaper on my blankets that escaped the baby puke. This time I started the laundry going and had major little boy clean up as well.
We were still happy and doing well. It seemed that we might have been doing well in the school dept too. And then, as I was starting supper, late because I got on this thing.. another story.. I realized it was Tuesday... PHYSIO NIGHT!!! AAGGHH!!!
We all got ready and dashed out the door, drove down the road, realized we forgot my bank card which should have been in my wallet, drove home again, got the card, had to get gas and were 15 minutes late for physio... just to find...
Physio is Wednesday night this week.
Now we were all the way in town so we went to the grocery store. The big kids went to the dollar store to pick out a treat while I did groceries with only Justin and Jack. It was actually very enjoyable. We were quite relaxed and were even able to help out an elderly lady pick out hot chocolate for her grandkids. She thought picking up hot chocolate would be no problem at all until she saw the 40 or so different kinds at the superstore. We prefer the no name (bulk size, of course) brand as it has the best flavour and is definitely the best priced. Then we can afford marshmallows too! We saw her again in the marshmallow aisle. She was so thankful she ran into us as she had promised them marshmallows and forgot. Our mission to help one person was accomplished!!
The big kids met us as we were going through the checkout.. perfect timing and off we went home.
As we drove in the driveway with 2 sleeping babies, I knew I didn't have what it took to haul in groceries and babies, so made a deal with the kids. They could eat KD for supper after they brought EVERYTHING in from the van. I would bring in the babies. Jack is too heavy when he is asleep, but in he came and I plopped him on the couch admiring how sweet he looks when he is conked out. Justin is so much lighter after Jack!! He woke up when I opened his door and giggled and giggled when I took him out. Tonight will be soooo much better than this morning I thought... until I walked back in the door.
Jack is now vomiting on the floor... all over his coat and everyones boots.
Caitlyn decided if they were having KD, she would most likely have to make it, thankfully! By the time the KD was DONE Jack had been cleaned up twice. I think everything he vomited on was clean. I had remade my bed as I was putting through my 4th load of laundry on my laundry free day. Justin now decides to hurl as well. My house stinks, I stink, the boys are semi-stinky and Caitlyn says "Would you like your dinner now, or do you think you are going to throw up too??"
Did I mention morning sickness is back? The morning was a treat to get through, but afternoon and evening I'm fine. Good thing!
The kids got to bed after 10. They thought this was great. Dave called and still had more work to do and wasn't leaving quite yet. The guy should get a medal for all he has been doing for work this year!
I lay down with Justin and asked Caitlyn to remind Dad to bring in wood when he got home and promptly fell asleep with the baby.
This left Caitlyn and Connor still up with NO MOM!! They slept in the living room last night.
Today is going to be better.
No one threw up ... not even me.
We have plenty of groceries.
I know I have physio tonight and can plan accordingly.
I have no laundry to do today!!
Oh my!! I am no longer feeling sorry for myself. It sounds like you can handle these kinds of difficulties much better than I. I'm laughing and feeling so sorry for you all at the same time.
This is life. I am not joking when I tell you that nothing in my life goes smoothly. I warned Dave before I got married this was my gift... kinda like bad luck Schleprock on the Flintstones except I don't believe in bad luck. God remembers that I prayed for patience once, actually on a dare, and He's gonna work on me until I get it. Don't pray for patience if you don't mean it. I have a desire to be the sweet older lady that the young ladies would all aspire to become. The becoming kinda stinks though!!
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