Thursday, October 19, 2006

I got a job!!!

Here we go..
For all of those times when I have said I will not go to work...
For all of those times I quoted from Titus 2....
For all of those times I was labled a wacko (love the term now that I know what a wacko is!)...
For all of those people who said I would work if the price was right and I was tired of home...
For all the times I said God would provide...
For all the times I said I would not work if it in any way detracted from what I do (or don't do) at home...

Yes, I have a job!!

I am making the most organic of organic, fresh milled muffins of various ancient grains for "my" physio/massage/pilates center. They are paying me what I want and think they are getting a bargain. Dave can't believe how much they will pay. 2 dozen a day to start, some might want extra dozens. I'll work 30 minutes to an hour a day and will get paid better than if I took in someone's kids for the whole day. In fact, the work will be done before the kids are up in the morning. God is soooo good!! Who knew this would happen. Its a gift! And I get to use my new oven every day and will now be able to pay for it!!

A big whoo-hoo for God. I don't even have to be out of my jammies!!!

I do have to be up early, while its still dark... to provide food... One step closer to Proverbs 31!! By the time I'm 75... maybe??


Angela said...

Congrats! Nothing like a little bit of extra coin before Christmas to help the household out.

Unknown said...

The hardest thing is to get up!! You know I'm not a morning person. I am a night person who actually said no to watching our downloads of Lost and Survivor last night so I could go to bed.
Dave was in shock! So was I. I feel a might jet lagged. Hopefully the time change will help. When does the time change? Last year we got to church when it was still waaay empty!!