Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What I've learned from the police this year

These are some things I have learned from the police in the past year or so.

--- Putting a knife in someone's face and threatening to kill them is ok... even if you brag to the police that you did it.

--- Its ok to stone one's neighbors.

--- It is not ok to laugh and play in your own yard if your neighbors psycho abused dog doesn't like it ... even at 2 in the afternoon in the summertime.

--- Booby trapping your neighbors porch is just fine, esp if earlier in the day you threatened to cut same neighbors small children's f'in necks with a hoe.

--- It is most certainly fine to keep someone else's child FOR LIFE if they are allowed to stay for a sleepover. Taking clothes and a toothbrush obviously means they are being kicked out of their home.

--- If the parent of that child decides to go pick up their child, it is fine to accost them and physically harm them, because they are coming on your property to take your "new child."

--- It is fine to keep someone else's child and have the original parent charged with trespassing if they go near their own child.

--- It is fine to charge the real parent for kidnapping if by chance they actually get their child back. It is NOT fine to have someone charged for kidnapping if they take your child and won't give them back.

--- It is fine to speed down a highway, lose control, cross a yellow line and passing lane to hit your car. After all, everyone speeds. What is your problem??

--- It is ok for the police to talk to a parent and then turn around and tell their child the exact opposite of the agreement with the parent.

--- When you are robbed, and know who did it, the police will contact the person who robbed you... but not you. They will not come to the home where the theft took place, or call wronged homeowner who filed the report... except for when they call to say ... "I spoke with the person you claim stole from you. He said he didn't do it and we believe him. Ma'am, no you have nothing to say about it .. case closed."

--- The RCMP actually sleep all night and do not respond to calls after midnight. It doesn't matter what is going on... they need their rest. OK.. after filing a complaint about that one, someone got in a "talking to." I got a half hearted apology, but they would not give me a written apology which was what I had asked for.

--- If a person is deemed as a pillar of the community, say like an emergency room doctor or a pastor, they can do whatever they want. If their victim is deemed as a low life.. say like a single mom of 8 children... it is ok to victimize them without censure. And how dare that single mom have a problem with it!!!

I am not going to be bitter, but I will also never have contact with RCMP if I can help it. Egotistical idiots all of them. I haven't met one of them that didn't just completely lie about everything.... oh no.. there was one last summer, but he was frustrated with the rest of them too. He is also very young and probably thinks there is still some honor left in the force.

There isn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have had such a negative experience with the RCMP. I am part of the RCMP family, and I know that every time my husband leaves home to take a call there is a chance he may not come home. He willingly risks his life to serve the community we live in. Gunfights, stabbings, gangs...I am thankful for those who keep us safe from that. I hope you meet a nice mountie soon that can change your mind about the force :)