Sunday, July 30, 2006

New Pastor??

Today was rather a shocker at church. It started out great.. the VBS kids choir sang one of the fave songs.. we sang one of our fave choir songs... 2 decided had a new song... sermon was great.. I met a visiting family that were HOMESCHOOLERS (and not weird ones!).. the kids were so well behaved and then.. the bomb dropped. After the closing hymn, Pastor Wes stepped down with THE LOOK and said he had something to say... basically that even as Moses was brought to the edge of the promised land before being succeeded by Joshua who took them into the land, he felt he had led us to a point and we needed a Joshua to finish the task. He isn't leaving for a new church.. in fact in a months time he is unemployed. There is no dissension, we all love Wes and Diane. Simple fact is that God is moving in his heart and leading him to something else.... and like Abraham he is packing up and not knowing where he is going... and like Sarah, Diane is willing to follow. Now how do I give up my confidante and friend?? I am excited for them, but selfish for me. I'm not thrilled with change... however, who knows what the next few months will bring? I am waiting expectantly to find out.

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