Monday, July 24, 2006

Dancin' Jack

Yesterday was our VBS finale at church. We had plenty of kids come who ususally do not attend church!!!! And... they brought thier parents. It was a great morning with the kids singing about half of our Fiesta songs up on the stage. We even took our Silly Chilis out of the nursery and up on the stage for the music. Jack, being only 2, was the youngest and we weren't sure how that would go... but he was amazingly cute. He did all the actions except for the song he doesn't like. His little arms were waving, he felt the music right to his toes and it showed. Everyone was watching him with huge smiles on... God must have been delighted. The verse we used in our text for the evening service was Zech 8:5 which speaks of the streets of the new Jerusalem being filled with children playing. When I see little children singing (and dancin') thier praises to God, I have no problem believing He wants His city full of them. Jack is totally unconcious of his effect on the whole church. He didn't for a second think of what anyone else thought of his style of praise. We need to be a little more like that... focusing on God in our worship and not of those around us. Its ok to cry in the middle of the prayer, or stop to bow and pray in the middle of the service or be moving in the music. Its all worship and its all good.

Oh yes... Bibbles is still here. The kids are working hard to show they can handle a pet.. they are actually working very hard... cheerfully!! I'm starting to like Bibbles!

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