Monday, July 24, 2006

Gotta' love physio

I used to think that going to physio and/or massage would be a fun thing to do. People who don't even need to go to these pay to go. Let me tell you... its no fun! We (Cait, Matt, Jack, Molly and I) were in an accident in December. We hydroplaned on slush and ended up in a ditch facing the direction we were coming from. It was a rather scary few min. Connor was upset for weeks that we do "all the fun stuff" without him. Cait was in near hysterics if there was even a smidge of snow coming down when we drove. Molly for months did the "we aren't going anywhere today, right" routine and .... I'm still in therapy!! Physiotherapy of course.. every Monday and massage... every Weds. They used to be gentle, but now I think they are trying to KILL ME!! I am so suprised my back did not break today. I guess I'll be better soon. Seriously, both therapists have been wonderful and have definitely pushed me to wellness. Hopefully this will be over soon! For a relatively healthy family we sure have a lot of doctors appointments!!

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