Monday, April 30, 2007

I have obviously failed

I have failed at my job. My kids do NOT understand their own mother tongue... English. A simple request brings on a "I don't know what you mean!" type of response.
Please wash the dishes... brings "What ME wash dishes?? You don't mean the dishes on the kitchen counter? Me?? You mean someone else. I'll just go read a book!!"
Please bring down the books on poetry off the shelves upstairs... "Huh? What's that? Yeah, I know what a poem is, duh!! Yeah, I know what a book is. A book with poems in it? I don't think we have those. I don't know what you mean!"

I think I'm going nuts.
This is ridiculous!!
Feed the dog please... an hour later?
Did you feed the dog yet?
Oh, did you mean me? You looked at me when you asked but you didn't SAY MY NAME so I figured you didn't really mean me.

Was I this stunned as a child? No I didn't ask them that question.
They would tell everyone I said they were stunned. That they would remember!!

I'm going to pray now.
Should have done that before ranting!!!

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