This was one meaty book!! First of all, it made me wish I had a Paul... a mentor... a humble, godly person who would write me a letter telling me how to do everything I need to do!! And then I realized that I do! In fact, I have more than a Paul... I have Paul's God. Guess what? He even wrote me an amazing letter outlining everything I need to know in order to live a life honoring to Him. I'm overwhelmed... by the fact that He wrote this book to ME and that I take it for granted and don't do what it says. Ouch!
The first couple of days, I was very caught up in the roles for deacons and overseers. God is very patient with me as I will never be a deacon or overseer as I don't fit the criteria. In thinking about the deacons in our church I realized only one of them actually fits the criteria. No wonder our church is in a mess, the leadership is not qualified to lead. God then pointed the way to where Paul instructs Timothy on the women in the church. Some of it was pretty hard to read, esp the part where we are to be silent in the church! We had a church business meeting this week. Here was my chance to see if I learned anything. There were a few times when I wanted to jump up and say, "Hey, this isn't right!! Haven't you read 1 Timothy?" But I was silent. To my amazement one of the things I so desperately wanted to say and didn't came out of the mouth of an older man. God doesn't want me to go against His word, even if the words I speak are technically correct. I would still be disobeying. I did notice that the only heated discussion occurred because one woman opened up a can of worms that didn't need to be opened. If she had been silent in the church that little fiasco would have never happened. Gotta love those object lessons.
I watched as a man without the qualifications of a deacon was voted into office. Again, I kept my mouth shut... this time no man spoke up. I did not get upset with my husband for not saying anything! Our votes were the only nays...
Its very hard to read sometimes what the Lord has in mind for Ladies Ministries. Chapter 5 vs 9 & 10 sum it up like this... "... been faithful to her husband, and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds." Somehow I missed leading a Bible study, helping in AWANA, running kids to soccer and music lessons, taking a weekly/biweekly day with the girls for r&r, singing in the choir and hosting couples get togethers. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with any of those things, but even these good things can become a distraction for what we are supposed to be doing.
vs 14 of ch 5 continues.. "So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander." I know this is about widows, but I'm thinking the same applies to the younger women. Get married, have kids and stay home. You will stay out of trouble, and not cause trouble for others. There are several women I know who stay at home and still seem to have time to call and want to talk for hours.. I don't have that time and don't want it! How many women can talk for hours and not say anything bad about anyone. I'll be honest. I can't. I'd rather have short meaningful conversations and remain busy at home. There sure is enough to keep me busy. I'm looking forward to seeing the floors in my kids bedrooms, having the curtains made for my room, being able to do projects like this and not feeling guilty because my husband is in the kitchen doing MY job...
I'm still not impressed with ch 2 vs 14 "and Adam was not he one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner." Ouch, ouch, ouch!! On the radio, one of the preachers today was saying that we all have a blind spot. Think ya don't?? You do... its a BLIND spot!! Ask someone to point out yours and try not to be offended.
Women are so easily deceived. How do we know when we are deceived?? We don't! We are deceived... UNLESS we are so entwined with God and His word, we are so drenched in the truths found within this Book we have copies of all over our houses, that any lie will stand out as such. Only knowing the truth can keep us from being deceived. I love the book "Lies Women Believe, and the Truth that Sets Them Free" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I read it thinking that I had the entirety of truth already established in my life and there was no way that I believed any lies. Ha ha ha Talk about bursting my bubble. I had believed many lies that were hurting my relationship with Christ. Lets back that one up... I'm sure that I believe many more lies that I don't know about yet. As a daughter of Eve, I am easily deceived. Its best that I keep my mouth shut, unless I know for sure that what I believe is in full accord with God's word. Its best that I keep my mouth shut and not take it upon myself to share what I know better(!) to my husband or any other man. Do I think that God needs me to take the place of His Spirit? Can we share and teach with and to other women? Of course we can! God has gifted some women and given them a special anointing for that purpose! But never to have authority or teach a man.
How does this truth cover up lies in the church? A woman is never to be a pastor, deacon, adult sunday school teacher (unless its a women only group), let her opinion fly in a church business meeting, etc. Does this mean our opinion doesn't count? Of course not. My husband and I discuss many things together and we do influence how the other thinks. Dave asks my opinion a lot... more now that I just don't give it to him like I used to!! And he values how I think. Sometimes I even hear my thoughts coming from his mouth... Cool.
One more thing and then I am closing this epistle. Its almost as long as 1 Timothy itself!! Godliness with contentment is great gain!! How I long to be content. I don't want to be eager for money and wander from the faith. I want to be generous and share with what I have and not be always wanting more. What we have here is so much more than most of the people on earth. We have food, clothing (too much even), a warm home, wonderful kids, cars with working heat and airconditioning. Who wants to think of AC today?? brrrr We have so much. Why am I always looking for more? I am not content. Still praying about that one!! God is good and will help as He so sloooowly works in me to make me more like Him.
Oh yeah! One MORE thing... wouldn't you love to know what it was that was prophesied over Timothy?? See, I am a nosy gossip at heart... wanting to know what is none of my business... aren't you just a little curious??
Hello Martha, I don't know who you are but that was one rip-roaring good review! I missed alot in 1 tim this week but I am sure getting it now with all these great reviews. Boy, do I want to do better next week! :)
I was sooooo excited to see your review there just before heading off to bed!! Thanks for taking part. You have a wonderful review here.
Hi, Martha. I know who you are. : ) I never thought way back when that we would have so much in common. I was "amening" through that whole review.
I knew so completely what I wanted to say that I allowed myself the treat of reading everyone else's first. Now I'm off to write mine up.
Hi Martha,I just want to comment on youur review even though I don't know you. I'm happy to see you taking part. Great review and yes so much to learn and apply to our lives. Won't it be great when we get to heaven and the constant fight with this earthly body is over?
Hi Martha, I know you very well. I love this scriptural review. As I haven't read I Timothy in its entirety recently, I now feel compelled to do so tonight. Of course, as well as I know you, you know me. We have had many heated discussions about women in the church. Oddly, you are now more aligned to the ideology of our position in the church than I am.
Love ya cuz!
Wow! Martha, I never knew you were so deep. I enjoyed the read and agree that most churches don't have qualified leaders. I hope that you continue your blog in this fasion, it is refreshing. Perhaps you can start a second for family stuff and one for a Bible study.
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